Architecture is about composing a set of requirements and Problems into a fully refined physical solution. Therefore, I approach every project with a set of three principles that ensure I am orderly and effective. I critically analyse the site and brief, i understand the client, and as a result, i produce creative and lasting Architecture.
I offer a unique approach to architecture. Through my education I have practiced architectural concepts in both Edinburgh and Glasgow. The former developed my understanding of contextualisation due to the strict limitations in place that must sensitively deal with the surrounding historic beauty of the city. The latter allowed me to develop more ambitious architecture that orientated itself towards the growth of the city both visually and financially. My exposure to these two very different cities has prepared me with the knowledge to approach a wide variety of projects in different scales and effectively tailor a response to the relevant proposal.
The University of Edinburgh and Strathclyde also offered different styles of education and my architecture developed within the more artistic and theoretical kind of architecture as well as a more engineer-driven and pragmatic type. This has provided me with the ability to conceive of effective architecture that guarantees the client and user's satisfaction.
My mixed heritage has further broadened my understanding of architecture. My exposure to Scottish and Spanish climactic and typological approaches has been extremely beneficial to my growth and appreciation of the built environment. Understanding the building style in the North and South of Europe and what that means for habitable architecture means I have a more proficient methodology to everything I think about and conceive.
Ultimately, my multicultural upbringing allows me to conceptualise and negotiate projects in a balanced and diplomatic manner for the client and I through conditioning myself to think and function in two parallels simultaneously.
Every new project presents challenges that I love to convert into opportunities for self-criticism so that I can learn and grow as an architect and in-turn, better myself for the client and the intended outcome of the project.
University of Strathclyde
Advanced Architectural Design (MArch)
University of Edinburgh
Architecture (BA)